Per la Giornata mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne (25 novembre 2018) trovate le dispense tratte dal vostro libro di testo "Abbagnano-Fornero, La ricerca del pensiero" sul pensiero femminile.
Invece soltanto per le classi quinte trovate in calce un riassunto delle lezioni scritte del Prof. John Simkin sul suffragismo inglese che possono essere di supporto al modulo CLIL di filosofia per un confronto con le suffragiste americane.
Answer to the following questions:
1) Explain in your own words the meaning of the title of the film "Iron jawed angels". In your opinion why did the director choose this title?
2) Write down a little biography of Alice Paul, summarizing who she is and which is her thinking about the suffragette movement;
3) At the beginning of the film there are different points of view between the younger American suffragettes and the elder American ones. Do you understand why?
4) Describe how American women were considered by public opinion between the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century.
5) List the other main characters of the American suffragette movement represented in the film.